Sunday, January 19, 2014

Glimpse Of Chitwan - Chitwan

To The Wild a Amazing Place Sauraha, Chitwan.
Simply an awesome place where every one is just so friendly and welcoming.
Simple and Sound and well its said so
"Simplicity Is A Glory Of Expression" . 
It's a Cool place to brush off your boring work hours and travel around here.
It's best to take a Guide along with you, it will be like "Icing On A Cake". Just in case you are Curious to learn and Explore more things like i love to do.
He will just explain and take you the spots that are well worth to see.
Due to Rain i could not gather as much as i wish to but i am happy with what i have. Well "Some thing is better than nothing.."

Here, I present you what i captured and well a
Glimpse Of Chitwan

Well you will find less words and captions because its the photos that i really wanna share with you ~

I stated the names of the birds according to the book "Birds Of Nepal" and some i have stated there Nepali name too which, I know and some facts that my guide told me, I don't remember all but in some pictures you will defiantly find them.

- King Drongo -
( Kalo Chibae )
It looks Royal and well the name speaks it all.

-  Duckling -

- Migrating Ducks Flying in a 'A' Formation -

- Common Kingfisher -
Man they are freaking fast.

- Common Little Egret caught in a flight  -
- Pond Heron -

- Ruddy Shelducks -
(Chakhewa ra Chakhewe)They are an migrating bird, flew all the way form Siberia.
Well its said that where they live in a couple and if one dies another one dies eventually and they even commit suicide if one partner dies. Where ever they go they go in together.
- Ruddy Shelducks caught in a flight - 

- Adjutant Stroke -
( Sano Garud )
- Adjutant Stroke Caught in a flight -

- White Breasted Kingfisher -

- Temminck's Stint -

- Heron Juvenile -

- Common Stonechat -

- Purple Heron -
Also known as Dart Bird named after its beak.
- Babbler -

Some people say its inhumane some people say its an service. Well until and unless its not bothering or doing any harm to the animal its not inhumane and talking about service they help us we help them and living together that's what mother nature is all about.
Us., Them., We..

- Taanga -
Most of the travelling is done through Taanga. If you wanna travel the village well ride on one and no one else knows the village better than the Taanga Walla. They also name Rabina., Champakali..
Don't forget to ask the Taanga walla to Museum, he will take you there.

- Elephant named Samriddhi -
Most of the people, hotels and resorts own an Elephant. They say its like a Pride to them and some also say its like owning a BMW. Funny right.? I also laughed when they said these stuff to me.
Its a great deal to train such a magnificent animal. Hats Off to them.! Kudos..!

 On a Canoe Row or Ride.....

We were so eager to ride a Canoe and came to know it fits 14 people in it and one rowing it
with a long stick. As we were ready for the experience and hoping to see the wild life.

In a Elephant Safari to jungle and we were in a Canoe and gave a mega smile to the camera.

With a glazing eyes and face painted as Tiger, they screamed RAWWWRRRR...!! as our Canoe passed by even we didn't have that much luck to see a real Tiger we still did managed to see two Beautiful Tigress.

As our Canoe Rowed on a spotted male Deer just popped out of the bushes and was looking towards us. We were so excited to see him as he was the first animal we saw.

As We rowed on well An Alligator just swam by our Canoe. We were scared as hell as it was half a size of the Canoe we were on.

As we just passed through a floating Alligator so close to us which left us with Goosebumps. The another one was basking in the sun with his mouth wide open. It was scary as Hell.
Well we go on to share this moment to everyone that day and anyone we share our tour experience.
 After Canoe Ride it dropped off to.....

A Cat followed us and here he is in my Snapshot..!
Cheers Kitty..!
Meow...! Meow..! Meow...! 

There is nothing like the love of Mother
 On A Jeep and Elephant Safari...
Due to rain that day i could not take much shots but i did managed to see a Wild bear., Bison., Wild Boar and well some i did managed to capture are..

- A Spotted Deer -

- One Horned Rhino -

- One Horned Rhino -
After the rain well .. Hello..! Rainbow...

Flora & Bugs
Well i don't quiet know the names of the flower and plants but here the the snaps of them.

Just love the reflection of the tree in the river.

Butterflies and its kinds in the Museum of Chitwan Wild life conservation area.
Beaaautiffuull.. :)

Crocodile in the Museum of Chitwan Wild life conservation area.
Gosh.! the Teeth..! AWESOME..!

At the end well the sky cleared and this was my last shot of the tour.

All the above Was..Is..Will always be.. a Part of.......


  1. the photographs are true inspiration to visit Chitwan. each one of them are cleverly picked and you have been able to capture not only the faces but their hearts.

    1. ah.! thank you for the amazing comment Besty.. :)
      appreciation like yours that keeps me motivating.. :)



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