Monday, March 30, 2015

Mustang And Memories

Have you been struck by 
are you  Crazy about ADVENTURES n' Addicted to TRAVEL.?
if you are then
Welcome To My Life ^_^

The Moments..
Happy time Sad time..Cold time Hot time..Grass time Hukka time..Local time marpha time..
Gosh.! Argue time Caring time :)
Snow time Wind time..Sunny time Windy time Rainy time..
God.! been through all the time except barbecue time .. :D hehehe.. :D

being through all these times, created priceless cherishable MEMORIES

Sharing whit the Moments and Memories with you all

Before we begin
Know Us First

From Left : Me..Vivek..Niru..Maltee..Santosh..Ankur..Zean..Kirshna..Susma


28th February, Friday 
Day Before Departure

Ever so exited for the trip.. 
i could't concentrate on any assignment through out the week.
today i had a assignment to take photographs of reception of a wedding

it was already o'2143 hr
still i was in the event as my pals were waiting in my home
i wanted to take off ASAP
i finally took off @ o'2215 hr and went to 25hr's Bar @ Bhatbhaitni, 
where we +Jazz Productions  were covering the event.
it was a jolly and enjoyable place., i simply didnt wanna leave that place.
i finally took off from there and reached home around o'2250 hour.

We had skyped with our pals
Ayush and Muna

we all wished they were with us including Pradip Sekrey, it would be a complete gang

Every one felt asleep except me
coz Zean, Santosh and +Malty  were snoring so damn high
 i decided to finish my assignment instead

29th February, Saturday ~ Day 1
The Mountains Are Calling

We woke up around o'0500 hour
our Jeep was waiting as we strapped our bag and got in to it and took off around o'06210 hour
as we reached at Thankot check point

we stuck in jam almost 2 hours
finally we were on the road and reached to Bhinai Pump at o'0821 hour
this was our first stop. where we stopped to have our break fast


We had our breakfast and got in to the Jeep
here are the shot of the place taken before we were back on the road

Where we thought we’d stay the night but our Jeep broke down at
Prithivi Highway (1130hours) just 2km and we would reach
Pokhara and have our lunch but we got stuck for repairment and every one was just goffing around, just going with the flow I just roamed around the place and took some shots of the place.

Cables and Mt Macchapuchere
Wires and Beauties
I guess the Jeep was meant to break down there coz I got to take some shots and mostly the REFLECTION.. hehe :D

we were back on road at 0100 hour

The view from the Jeep

We finally reached to Pokhara at o’0200 hour and rushed for a meal at our very own
Hotel Vimal’s & Thakali Kitchen, Lakeside.

Food here is Sensational

Our first Thakali food,
we always hang around to this kitchen everytime we stop at Pokahara well I guess this was my 4th time here.. ^_^
I recommend if you are in Pokhara do stop by to this Kitchen, feed your belly.. ;)

back on the road to Jomsom

 We then took off with our tummy full to Jomsom at o’0300 hour.
We were planning to reach Jomsom but got stuck at BeniBazar coz our Jeep broke down again.
It was around o’0600 hour
we didn’t wanna stay in Beni but we had too.
To be honest damn the Bazar was so damn dead., no one was even on the street.
Gosh.! It looked as a ghost town.

We finally found a suitable hotel to bunk in for the night with perfect 3bed room  at
Hotel Skihar, GaneshTol, BeniBazar, Magydi.

This is the Hotel.. This is the Hotel..This is the hotel.. no other suitable ones
Dinner was superb and we all went to our room and well smoked some

 Hukka till o’01100 hour and it was fun to shoot some smokes. :D

 1st March, Sunday ~ Day 2
Courtesy Of Unpredictable Weather

We woke up around o’0630 hour and I rolled down the window to see the town but damn it was still dead.. Dang.! Ghost town.

Every place i have gone, am and will be
i always mark the spot.

here is the 1st mark. Room no. 110 under the bed sheets
We packed our stuffs, while uploading on the jeep we hanged around to take some shots and well took off around o’0800 hour., hoping to reach Kaghbeni before sun set.

this is Me

Wefie before we took off to Kaghbeni

Most of us sang all the way and most of us well still sleeping. :D
we stopped at TatoPani it was o’0920 hour for our Breakfast .
Hotel Serchan & Resturant as it was stated while the order was on the way we just roamed around the KaliGandagi river and guys were playing VolleyBall and me well capturing the memories.

Marked the spot : On the boulder, banks of Kali Gandagi river

We then rushed our way back to the road and rushing to the Jeep a cute gal gave me a flying kiss.. ^_^

We were on the road to Kaghbeni., and saw some awesome views and the road were just like a rollercoaster ride. Bumpy but worth bumpy. ;)

Rain Rain Rain 

We stopped at a huge water fall at Dana,Kavre.,
we just couldn’t stop ourselves to take some shots there it was worth of stoping.

 The view there was sensational and we walked around to explore the place, hiked down the waterfall and took some selfies and shots.

That TRUCK..!!

A smiley rock we found in that waterfall

We even visited Deepest Gorge of World.
Explored the place and it was around o’1150 hour and then back to road, to Kaghbeni.

We finally reached gateway to Mustang  at o’1222 hour.
We were even more excited to see the mountains after we crossed the gate way to Mustang.
It started on the way. We were hoping we could reach to Kaghbeni., Mustang.

Our Jeep stopped at Lete at o’1325 hour, Mustang for lunch.
We ordered and well smoke on the water again. It was raining and the weather was cool and romantic. Everyone hungry and tired waiting for the food, I wondered around and took some shots.

Cushion to sit on

charcoal flame under our table just to keep us warm

o'1420 hour and we had our khana

Reenergized and back on the road., muddy, raining, wiper wipping, singing, driving towards Kagbeni.
 guess what our Jeep got stuck on the mud and it was not moving a inch., slipping all the way.
The driver said us to push a bit so we jumped down and gave it a push.,
Me, Vivek, Zean and Santosh but it didn't move a bit, but I got wet from waist below.
It was raining and the wind was so damn cold gosh.! I thought id freez on that weather.
While Santosh, Ankur, Vivek and Krishna were working a way to take the Jeep out of the mud I was freezing Susma Di hugged me damn tight, it was so sweet of her.
Finally our Jeep was out with the help of couple of tractors. Ah.! Man I thought id die coz of cold..

We couldn’t reach to Kaghbeni, we had to stay in Jomsom it was o’2000 hour.
We stayed at Hotel Mustang Monalisa. We even found a room with 6beds.

Best hotel in the town

Unpacked all our stuffs and even though we had our bags all sealed up with rain covers all of our cloths were wet  and we didn’t had dry clots to wear. We had to share each others cloths.
 I thought id freez to death that night. Finally we were back to our body temperature.

 Santosh wearing Lungi

We drank some Marpha Brandy.
Damn so tired after the freezing eveing we Ate our dinner and then went to sleep.

It was a day I will not forget throughout my life and well a freezing evening gosh.!
Man it was too freezing :D

 2nd March, Monday ~ Day 3
Hope Faith Belive

Freezing evening and the room where we all slept was also wet., water dripping from the ceeling due to rain whole night ., we just covered ourselves with the dumping bag tried to sleep..

Shivery morning we all woke up at o’0633 hour and we went to survey the weather outside.

Guys under the rainbow umbrella planning
Thank god the weather was getting better and we all went to the local hotel to grab some tea and well our very own Khajuri Puff..while the order was on I went to take some shots and in the streets of Jomsom I saw a huge dog man he had a damn big paw.

View from the tea spot

o’0830 hour and we had our break fast and just went around to chill the view was getting better and man thought we will reach our destination today for sure..

here are the shots of and from Jomsom

and guys went hiking on the hills of Jomsom to see the village from above and here the photos they captured

bird foot prints

and a funny thing while exploring the streets of Jomsom.
We found restaurants in the name of NEERU..hehe.. :D and goofed around with Niru saying  how come she opend a restaurant over night..haha.. :D shopping and all we planned to take off to Kaghbeni

and the most decisive moment of trip was this day when we decided to buy gumboots coz all of our shoes were wet and we only had slippers to were.
We started walking to cross streets of Jomsom where our Jeep was waiting for us.

Shot taken on the way to our Jeep, Jomsom Bazar

we packed our all wet dress and shoes into one bag
Streets of Jomsom #Reflected


 We ordered ourselves food and well goofed around the place a while until the food was ready.
There was an amazing  Gumba where we couldn’t stop ourselves taking pictures form.

Finally we had our lunch at o’1350 hour and after our tummy was full., well there wasn’t a place left where we didn’t made a memory. Photographs speaks itself.

We took off at o’1440 hour to Kaghbeni.
Damn man the roads were full of snow and some place the roads we too damn slippery that we were sacred our a’off. :D

 Shots form the Jeep

We stoppend on the way to Kaghbeni in confused of the hotel. It was o’1520 hour.
Santosh and Krishna went in search of hotel as we all sat on the Jeep waiting for them we waited for 30mins or so., we got off from Jeep and well had some snow fight.,
captured some shots and most intresting we made a snow man.

It was 30min we goofed around but still Santosh and Krishna were not back. 
Worried we planned to follow their trail and asked the Jeep to stop in Dragon Hotel
We walked the trail it was o’1605 hour.
Worried and out of phone connection we just walked around and well I even took some shots on the way.


We finally found them after 15mins or so., they were on the same hotel where we sent our
Jeep to Dragon Hotel. Dang man we were way to worried.. :D

The view from the hotel was mesmerizing, man it was sensational.
Here are the shots.

ASAP we reached to our room our expression was just OMFG we could see the whole view from our room. Just too damn eager for the morning to see the first sight of the view.

We dropped our bagpacks and well rushed on the streets of Kagbeni.. and well snow fights..
created a snow man again


just a 10mins walk from the hotel we found a place where we can enjoy the view and well take photos.. :D
 it was o’1823 hour when these photos were taken

We got back to hotel after 20mins or so it was already dark and well snow fight aging..hehe. :D

Back to hotel and didn’t knew what to do next. 
I decided to do some light paintings and well here are the crazy shots. :D

We finally had enough of the shots and dinner was ready at o’2005 hour after the dinner we were chatting all about ghost stories and well some were too damn afraid . we went to our rooms and went to sleep and guess was Santosh fell in love with the gal of the hotel., man he was talking about her whole damn night..
Just out bed was warm., we heard a knock on the door.
Damn man we thought the driver dai was on the door to collect his room key.
But no one answered the door., but it kept knocking.. :D man Ankur’s face was worth watching.. haha. :D me an vivek went to answer the door but guess who was on the door :D haha. :D ROFL
Funny making us wake up from the warm bed.. :\

we finally went to sleep around o’2340 hour.

 3rd March, Tueday ~ Day 4
Ying And Yang

Every day till now from the day first Santosh was our wake up call.. “keta ho..uth ava katai jane ho., weather ekdam chakki cha”. Same dialog every freaking day. Felt like sleeping in a hostel .. damn..! we woke up at o’0620 hour and guess what it was freaking snowing., it was snowing the whole damn night. 
The view from the room was just sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet it was snowing man.!

Happy and sad at the same time. 
Happy coz we saw the snow falling and sad coz our Jeep cannot drive to 
Muktinath coz of the snow block.
We rushed outside and like a kid in a candy store., we just got mad. 
We were kids and snow were candy to us. 
Everyone was just enjoying the snow fall and man it was a hell of a morning.. one of the most memorable morning of my life.

We got a call from the hotel saying “Chiya Ready Vo” we ran to the place and well Khajuri Puff and tea..what else do we need.. :D and guess what. Santosh was still talking about the girl which he fell for.  :D

After breakfast we came to know there were some local people who lived in Muktinath and they were hiking back to Muktinath. Well we needed a path or people to help us hike up to Muktinath. 
We packed our stuffz., jumped in to our gumboots and well we took off at o’0808 hour.
Man it was snow every where. I was worried Id get snow blindness.. ehehe . :D 

We started hiking up to Muktinath., with the locals leading the way. The snow were up to or knees and every where we see was all white. 
The view from the place we walked was man I never saw the view in my entire life..gosh.! it was sensational.

We walked on the snow and well our feet were freezing, even gumboots collected all the snow inside and gumboot were all full of water. 
I could just start a fish farm in my boots..
Damn.! Another freezing experience where my feet was all freezing and my body was all sweating. 
GoodGodGracious.! I thought I had frost bite. It wind started blowing. 
Blowing all the snow on the way and clearing the pathways we walked on. 

We could walk some how to the spot but it would be hard to get back tomorrow. 
It was 2hours that we were walking on 2feets of snow. 
I couldn’t walk anymore and some of my friends were also giving up the walk and we planned to return back form the check point we made in the way to Muktinath. 
We gave our offerings to the local people who were heading to Muktinath and asked them to present it to temple.

this was our check point.

Marked our spot

Then we hiked down. I took some shot on the way back down so did my pals. 
It was o’1114 hour now.


This was the trail we walked on

trail back to hotel

We stopped and took some shot and we rolled off the cliff on the snow, it was AWESOME \m/(^_^)\m/

Hungry and tired we had our lunch at o’1150 hour. 
We all then decided to hike down to Jomsom from Kaghbeni., because the weather here was unpredictable and our Jeep was stuck here. 
We didn’t wanna waste our trip and time all up in the snow. so, we even planned that if the road was not clear till tomorrow., we’d take the local bus and travel the rest of the spot. 
So we packed and got ready to take off.

1st room to the left. under the bed sheet

last shot at the hotel. Portrait of Niru
We took checked off at o’1335 hour. 
We walked almost 3 hours down to Jomsom. We even took some shot on the way to Jomsom.  
We wore dumping bag to prevent the wind and rain. Damn the dumping bags were hero of the day.

this was our condition

Marked our spot

We reached to Jomsom around o’1620 hour and guess what we saw our Jeep coming. 
Damn man we were so excited to see our Jeep back and well we all cheered that our trip was back on the track. 
Cops helped our Jeep way down to Jomosom. I just could not help my self from hugging the cops and thanking them ^_^

We checked back to Hotel Mustang Monalisa., at o’1920 hour. 
We unpacked our stuffs and got new rooms coz the last time room was all messed up coz of rain. 
We had our dinner and well it was and it was AWESESOME we walked on 3feets of snow., hiked way down from Kaghbeni to Jomsom., Our Jeep was back on the road and comfy bed at last.

We planned for the rest of the days and the place where we wanted to go next.
After dinner we went to sleep as I was paired up with Santosh and Zean it was o’2250 hour and man both were snoring like hell.. 
Gosh.! I couldn’t stand the noise and went to join Krishna., Ankur and Vivek. 
I finally got some sleep.


4th March, Wednesday ~ Day 5
Back On The Road South Indian Style

Like I said before Santosh was there with his same old dialog. 
Woke up around o’0620. Well today was the day on the road. 

Hotel Mustang Monalisa

We planned to feed ourselves at the village of Marpha
We were on the road at o’0710 hour. 

These shots were taken on the way to Marpha.

We reached to Marpha at o’0735 hour and man the streets of Marpha was just WoW WoW WoW.
man we thought he should had got here last night and stayed here for the night. It was an AWESOME place. The streets., Allies., temples., shops.,  Hotels., Houses., People., Lifestyle was simply ROCKING. Damn.! It was eye popping. 

Gate Way to Marpha

We took some shots around the allies and in the Gumba of Marpha. 
We didn’t wanna leave the place. It was simply awesome.

here are some shots of us and the more shots of the place


We had our breakfast, guess what Niru had opened a Resturant here too in Marpha dang..hahha.. :D

We  still quiet didn’t have enough of this place but we had to reach Pokhara and Baglung on the way.  
So we took a quick walk through the allies of Marpha and got on the Jeep and took off at o’0855 hours.

Shots taken from Jeep

We ended up at TatoPani at o’1140 hour, where we had our lunch., Noodles and Soup was what we had. We had some bad times and bad moments but it all was left behind as we rolled our way back to our trip.

We finally reached to our next destination Bagulng at o’1505 hour., our Jeep just had a super South Indian Movie entry to the temple gate. Driver dai didn’t see the 4steps of stairs., he thought it was a slope area so he drove through the stairs. Hence, our Jeep flew 4steps of stairs a south Indian :D

the place was beautiful and we visited Kalika Bhagwati it was an cool and peaceful place. 
The next path way to the temple was an outstanding place. 

It was like a movie set., all natural and it was simply WoW.

We took off from there at o’1550 hour and it started raining again .. we stopped at Lumle 
It was o’1725 hour where we met Susma Di’s and Mummy offered us lunch there too and the sukuti was awesome.. we met all the family members and took some shots.

We were full from the lunch and well back on road and reached Pokhara at o’1820 hour. We finally decided to stay at Hotel Fire On The Mountain after a long search for hotels. Damn the hotel was awesome. 

Zean and Santosh  had there own sepertae room coz they were the snoring bass in the pack.
we unpacked our stuffs and roamed around Lake side and Chronicals of last trip to Pokhara, I missed Pradip Sekrey Chamlagain. Damn, I missed the times at Hightide., lake side. 

We walked the way to lakeside Hightide to hang around there but It was closed so we decide to change our taste and got to Marwadi Resturant and had Naan roti and various sabjis as dinner. It was delicious. 

I missed Sekrey AyusMuna so damn much. Gosh..! anyways we had our dinner and well its POKHARA mate.! We roamed around the lake side till o’2040 hour then we got back to hotel., thinking about HOLI tomorrow. 

Shadow shots

Got back and well its time SMOKE on the WATER. 
Well rest is all memories only Susma Di., Niru., Maltee., Modi., Vivek., Anukr 
will have the memories what happened that night. we laughed our a’off.. :D
Finally at bed ever so exited about tomorrows HOLI at POKHARA…

5th March, Thursaday ~ Day 6

o’0640 hour., 
I hope you know who came up early in the morning and became a wake up call.. 
Yes.! He was there with his same old dialog.. 
This time he was offering us for morning walk to the lakeside and boating. 
First I just hassled and got to sleep but at the 2nd thought. 
I just grabbed camera and took off. 

It was o’0820 hour we rented a boat and off to Taal Barahi and boating.
The shots form the boat

We got back to hotel at o’0950 hour., 
Susma Di and Maltee went cycling and we went to our room.

Ever so excited about HOLI and been through the streets of Pokahra the early morning. 
It was empty and quiet. I thought damn.! This holi is gonna be a wreck. 
But still we hoped for the best.
We dressed up the holi dress. Not so specific but light color dress 
we then had our breackfast just in front of the hotel. As usual tea and Khajuri Puff.. 
ah.! Khajuri puff and cookies were our BFF till the end :D
we then took off at may be o’1120 hour. 
Bought some colors and in to the lake side of Pokhara.

Man I never had experienced HOLI like this before., it was simply awesome. Simply awesome.
all I can explain is all the people were just so cool and cooperative. 
If you want colors in your face you get colors if not then no one is gonna force you. 
Tourist Locals Music .. 
damn.! It was the most AWESOME holi ever of my life. 
It was simply AWESOME.
There was an rally till the end of the road as we returned back coz we had a plan to reach Bandipur till the end of the day.
Ah.! Selfies all around. Eveyones faces were worth of capturing :D huehahaha.. :D

Wefie back ar the Hotel

This was our faces and colors :D

We went for lunch to Bhojan Griha.. if you ever get here do read the menu carefully. 
Not warning you about the price but the name of the dishes are hilarious.. :D don’t wanna mention it., its better if you read it in :D

last shot at Lakeside Pokhara

we all got freshened and packed out our stuffz and back to the Jeep off to Bandipur at o’ 1715 hour.
Happy Smiley Colorful Day

Marked : Room no.113 back side of the room mirror

On the road..
who in the world will forget Antakshree.. one man army Ankur and rest of the floks.. :D except me and Susma Di every one was involved. :D lol

Finally reached to the circle ways up to Bandipur around o’1820 hour.
The twist and turns were scary and I just wished when the hell are we gonna reach the village of Bandipur.
We were dropped off at the gate of the village.,
as Vivek and Krishna went scouting the place while we were playing and goofing around the street till they were back. They said., it’s a home stay where we have to get separated and stay in two different house.
 It was our last day and I just didn’t wanted to be separated from the group so we searched for other places and found out ThaniMai Hotel, first hotel just right side of you as soon as you enter the village.

We asked for the room and well they gave us a flat with two room.
We unpacked our stuffz. We ended up talking with an Aunt at that hotel, she said she is a singer and she started singing songs related to various places of Nepal.
It was worth of listening too. After listening to her we went out to explore the place.
 It was o’2010 hour 
and they requested us to get back before o’2130 hour. 
We went exploring the night at the village in search of dinner. Well changing the taste and most us had our tummy full of heavy lunch at Bhojan Griha back in Pokhara we decide to chill at 
Hill’s Heaven Resturant & Lodge at Bandipur Bazar.

It was o’2020 hour we ordered some snacks and local wine as Me, Maltee and Niru went to explore the place we took some shots at Bandipurbazar. It was an amazing cool place we just imagined if we could stay here for 2-3 days just to travel every corners of Bandipur.

We had our snacks and well we all had our share of wines in our glasses but I don’t know who the hell drank all my wine. But every one was enjoying the night time and it was a CHILL ENVIRONMENT. 
It was our last night of the tour, we also didn’t wanna go back home.

I guess we went to Hotel around o’2145 hour and we talked about some stuff we will do ASAP the sun rise tomorrow. Well there was the same thing.. Santos and Zean snoring.. :D lol.
Caught on the cam this time :D and yeah.! we all nine managed to sleep into one room.

6th March, Friay ~ Day 7
Don't Wanna Go Home

We were expecting Santosh to be ringing us the morning alarm. 
But this time it was Krishna. Asking us wake up early in the morning before the sun rise and we hiked up to Thani Mai to catch the view of sunrise from there and we reached at the top at o’ 0602 hour. 
Well photo shoot was meant to be on the top. 

We got down and had our breakfast at bandipur with local chiya and doughnut and well all time tour favouriate Khajuri Puff. It was o’ 0805 when we took off to Tudikhel., we played KING BALL.. 
Our (TM) game where ever we go we end up playing either KingBall or STOP. :D 
We roamed around the beautiful town of Bandipur and we got less time to explore the place and well we will be back here soon enough.
we visited Tin Dhara and chilled out there a bit as our Jeep was waiting us to take back home. 
We planned to visit Manakamana Mai. 

These were the shots of ours and the beautiful place of Bandipur.

We took of from Bandipur around o'1300 hour.

We stopped at Kurintar at Highway Thakali Food
It was o’1322 hour when we finished out lunch and well up form the cable car to Manakamana

we got passed through the bazaar and to the temple.
The funny thing was people inviting us to have lunch in their restaurant. They were speaking damn fast like fast forwarding the audio.

These were the last shot i guess to from and in Manakamana temple

We finally got back in the road at o’1545 hour and back to home. 
As we reached to my home where we started it was o’1910 hour.
now we all were feeling how did 7days passed so damn fast.

Most of the memories made and cherish able moments. 
Most of em I have shared and most of them is better not to be shared. 
What happened in tour remains in Tour, except the memories.

Thanks for being a part of the tour by reading all these long stuffz.

Till the next adventure.. Adios.!


  1. there's this beautiful image through your lens, everytime..

    1. thank you so much sis :) most appreciated.. :) miss ya ^_^

  2. u've a good story telling capacity in a interesting were beautiful and the way of marking the place u've been is sth interesting part... cheers..

    1. happy to see your comments dude :) most appreciated ^_^
      thank you lots...
      YNWA \m/(^_^)

  3. Your lens have an amazing magic! A magic that allures the heart of all the audiences! Our country Nepal is a country with an amazing beauty, the exhilarating yet wonderful trials of Nepal are simply phenomenon. And your snaps depicts it all. The fun and adventure that you guys had during your trip; the pictures speaks aloud. Also, I must admit, your works are very professional. May God bless you with enough strength to follow your passion till eternity..hehe..Cheers! Rock ON! And keep feeding your audiences with more of your works and experiences.

    1. Thank you and i was awaiting for your comment and here it is.. :)
      super duper happy ^_^
      sure will do post more of this and just waiting for our collaboration..hehe. :D
      like i said before your Sensational words and my Pix. :)
      take care
      and sure will try to keep up the pace



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